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<infobox layout="stacked"> <title source="name"><default>Del'Thok</default></title> <image source="image"/> <Group> <header>Vital Statistics</header>

<label>Date of Birth</label> <label>Date of Death</label> <label>Birthplace</label> <label>Status</label> </Group> <Group collapse="closed"> <header>Physical Attributes</header>

<label>Height</label> <label>Race</label> <label>Eye Color</label> <label>Hair Color</label> </Group>

   <Group collapse="closed" layout="horizontal">


</Group> <Group collapse="closed"> <header>Misc. Information</header>

<label>Gifted</label> <label>Relatives</label> </Group> </infobox>

A young man who was son of Del’Gruk III and brother to Del’Drud.

Del’Thok arrived in the city of Novania under the influence of his father’s Dragoncharm which he had stolen before leaving Volvar. With the help of Juniper Beri, Del’Thok was able to escape the charm’s hold and live a normal life.

Del’Thok ventured to Volvar with the rest of the Alenthylians, befriended Ghal’Knox, and served as squire to Templar Holmgren. Del’Thok eventually died as a result of a plague created by the Dark King.