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<infobox> <title source="name"><default>Aevonhold</default></title> <image source="realm image"></image> <group> <header>Vital Informatiion</header> <label>Type</label> <label>Inhabitants</label> </group> </infobox> The great realm of Aevonhold is home to a multitude of Beasts, Aberrations and Mortals. Of these many mortal constructs exist the Humans of Aevonhold, and their ability to shape the world before them.

The Western Kingdoms[edit | edit source]

Alenthylian colonists struggle to survive after the initial settlement of Deurlyth.

Overview[edit | edit source]

In the west, the great kingdoms have risen. Their cultures are similar due to their close intermingling, though there are vast differences between them all the same. The Western kingdoms include the Holy Kingdom of Alenthyl, the Kingdom of Granthel, and the militaristic Kingdom of Volvar. To the east of these nations, sits a small cluster of islands, known as Deurlyth. Here is where the Kingdom of Novania lies.

Light mages of The Holy Templar in Alenthyl patrol the capitol's streets.

Nations[edit | edit source]

The Continent of Auros[edit | edit source]

Taurum Legionaires approach a Siecian port to resupply.

Overview[edit | edit source]

The continent of Auros sits to the east of Aevonhold. The cultures that originate here are vastly different from those in the west. The geography ranges from mountainous to desert. Aurosi nations include the crumbling Ulyssian Empire, the ambitious and growing Empire of Nobugo, the thriving Nation of Peramul, the industrial Elten empire, and the isolated Sultanate of Rune'daath with their neighbors to the west on the Island of Zahvwan.

Nations[edit | edit source]

The Northern Waste[edit | edit source]

Overview[edit | edit source]

A mass of largely unexplored land to the far north of Aevonhold, the Northern Waste exists as an inhospitable stretch of ice reaching beyond the horizon.

A majority of attempts to colonize or even reach the Northern Waste have been met with death in the frozen waters, or uncertain disappearance after departure. Very few have made relatively safe travel to their cold destination, only to be met with barren ice sheets and graveyards of long frozen sailing vessels dotting the calm coastlines.