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<infobox layout="stacked"> <title source="name"><default>Al'Mahjep</default></title> <image source="image" /> <Group> <header>Vital Information</header>

<label>Type</label> <label>Government</label> <label>Founded</label> <label>Founder(s)</label> <label>Constructed</label> <label>Destroyed</label> <label>Location</label> <label>Population</label> </Group> <Group> <header>Economy</header>


</Group> <Group> <header>Misc. Information</header>

<label>Affiliation</label> <label>Climate</label> <label>Landmarks</label> <label>Institutions</label> <label>Religion</label>

</Group> </infobox>

History[edit | edit source]

Relocated farther down the Golden Coast after a period of relative obscurity, Al’Mahjep has reemerged under the leadership of Count Ozan Bakhiir.

Unlike in the past, housing is not limited to only Rune’Daathians and their families, however it is asked that those wishing to live within the village do not oppose the traditional values.

In 1182 and for a few years thereafter, the town was used as training grounds for werewolves to train. The purpose was to allocate space and allow time for them to control their curse so they may not harm the citizens of the Novanian mainland.

Geography[edit | edit source]

Al'Mahjep is settled along the Gold Coast, a large land to the west of the Deurlyth mainland. The structures are built on small sandbar islands along its coast.

Government[edit | edit source]

A street view of Al'Mahjep.

Al'Mahjep is a barony under the Novanian Throne. Its baron is Sir Ozan Bakhiir.

Law[edit | edit source]

Economy[edit | edit source]

The economy of Al'Mahjep is supported by its brewery and hookah business. Agriculture also plays a role.