Arcane Locomotives
Arcane locomotion is a primitive and emerging transportation technology in Aevonhold which originated in Alenthyl. While turbulent and expensive to build, locomotion can carry large amounts of cargo and persons over extended distances across land. The technology is rare, very few in Alenthyl have seen a locomotive and, if wealthy or a member of the military, may have even had the opportunity to ride in one.
History[edit | edit source]
The development of locomotion in Alenthyl coincided with the rebuilding of Alenton in 1174 after much of the dragon threat was slain. Alenthyl lacked traditional means of fast travel, horses and other such beasts of burden, as a consequence of the dragons' decimation of the surface. Further, while ships were optimal for coastal travel, the travel was often inconvenient if one needed to cross the land mass itself.
The development of the arcane locomotive progressed over the span of a decade through the research and labor of its top engineers. The basic framework fell into place quickly: several linked carts propelled by an arcane engine, all of which rested on a relatively flat medium on which they would travel. The tracks were imperative due to the variety and inconsistency of Alenthyl's terrain.
The earliest designs focused on emulating the arcane engines of Elten airships and in 1173 the first prototypes were released for military transportation of goods amidst the Alenthyl-Granthel war. On occasion, particularly after the destruction of the Cadaver walls in Granthel, Alenthyl would extend the train's use to entertaining royal visitors and transport wealthy citizens from the wide reaches of Lordharbour to Alenton exclusively.
The technology has yet to be released to the citizenry, and the secrets behind locomotive engineering are a tight-lipped secret. Those who wish to become locomotive engineers must be among Alenthyl's military and show a deep passion for the Light.
Types[edit | edit source]
There is currently one type of train, which is operated through an arcane engine, similar to an airships's wind core. The designs are still very primitive, and it's common for a train to spend more time broken down or in repair than actually in travel. Engine explosions, breakdown or rusting of the wheel and propulsion mechanisms, and a lack of uniformity in tracks design undermine the utility of this form of transportation.
Commonality[edit | edit source]
This system of transportation is rare, and the technology has not spread beyond Alenthyl. The number of trains, while small in number, are theorized to grow exponentially over time. Those among Alenthyl's military have more regular access than its citizens, though Alenthyl may allow certain persons it wishes to impress or wealthy citizens access to its train.
Roleplay Implications[edit | edit source]
Trains at their maximum velocity are as fast as a horse, but are capable of carrying far more persons and cargo than a horse or attached carriage. While the tracks allow some stability, a ride on a train is filled with bumps, and those prone to motion sickness will feel uncomfortable.