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Overview[edit | edit source]

Bloodhype[edit | edit source]

A powder produced within the Western Kingdoms, snorting Bloodhype gives the user an extreme boost of energy, but produces a harsh crash a few hours later. It is extremely addictive and lethal if the addiction isn't properly cured. Withdrawal is extremely painful, yet addiction is intense.

Ontspan[edit | edit source]

A Zahvwan plant grown near the waters, Ontspan is used by those with the gift to astrally project. They are able to see glimpses of the Arcane Planes through the real world. To those without the gift, Ontspan simply relaxes the user, causing sluggish nature or hunger.

Keche[edit | edit source]

A variant of Ontspan that grows in Deurlyth, Keche is a drug used often by Lyverian tribes in rituals. It causes hallucinations and distorts the vision in both gifted and non-gifted users, even appearing to slow time itself.

Cordroet[edit | edit source]

Cordroet is a strain of Ontspan and Keche that does not cause hallucinations. Users of Cordroet become sluggish and gain an intense hunger. Users of Cordroet tend to lounge around their homes and eat gluttonously when under its effects.

Monkscap[edit | edit source]

A dark brown mushroom, Monkscap acts as a sedative and hallucinogen when boiled and drank. Doctors in poorer areas use the mushroom as medicine to put the person to sleep before surgery is performed. Those who resist the sleep are known to hallucinate intensely.

Red Bliss[edit | edit source]

Red Bliss is red capped mushroom with white spots. When ingested, the mushroom causes a great impairment to motor skills and instills a sense of overconfidence and grandiosity. For example, the user may spout about being a god or flying above themselves, when in reality the user is barely able to sit upright.

Moon Tears[edit | edit source]

A liquid commonly derived from Nobugo, Moon Tears are made from the poppy flowers native to regions within Nobugo. Generally used as an anesthetic throughout Aevonhold, Moon Tears is a highly addictive drug and can cause severe withdrawal symptoms and hallucinations, even from little use. Moon Tears are made from the process of crushing fresh poppies, and take on a bright white color, hence "Moon Tears".