Emperor Laerentius Proconinus II

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<infobox layout="stacked"> <title source="name"><default>Emperor Laerentius Proconinus II</default></title> <image source="image"/> <Group> <header>Vital Statistics</header>

<label>Date of Birth</label> <label>Date of Death</label> <label>Birthplace</label> <label>Status</label> </Group> <Group collapse="closed"> <header>Physical Attributes</header>

<label>Height</label> <label>Race</label> <label>Eye Color</label> <label>Hair Color</label> </Group>

   <Group collapse="closed" layout="horizontal">


</Group> <Group collapse="closed"> <header>Misc. Information</header>

<label>Gifted</label> <label>Relatives</label> </Group> </infobox>

Overview[edit | edit source]

Laerentius Proconinus II is the current emperor of Ulyssa. He currently reigns in his mid 70s and has been known as a patron of the arts and a poor leader, however much none would say the combination of words aloud in Ulyssa.

His reign has seen the failure of the Third Border War and loss of territory on the Nobugo front.

Background[edit | edit source]

He was born from the union of Laerentius Proconinus, first of his name, and, controversially, a highborn woman who was the eldest daughter of the Praetor of Sies. His life has been one of extravagance and patronage to the arts, leaving the day-to-day administration to several others, intervening only when he has a point to prove.

Important Events[edit | edit source]

Under his rule Ulyssa has devolved further from a centralized monarchy to one which has spread its power across the provinces and into the hands of the Praetors. Regional conflicts and territorial loss have also been a noted tragedy under his reign. He has patronized the arts immensely, but has done little in the ways of governance or infrastructure building or maintenance. Diplomacy abroad has been poor, as he is a man also taken to drink and to sex.

One of his most famous (or infamous, depending upon the source) is the construction of yet another imperial courtyard in Rhold. As progress slows on the couryard, he has taken residence in an enormous manor looking over the Samona.

Other[edit | edit source]

Among his legitimate heirs, he has nine living sons and sixteen living daughters. He has experienced two high-profile assassination attempts over the past ten years, and one of his sons, the second eldest son and third eldest child, has been confined to a palace wing indefinitely as a result.