Lacus Samonastrum
<infobox layout="stacked"> <title source="name"><default>Lacus Samonastrum</default></title> <image source="image" /> <Group> <header>Vital Information</header>
<label>Type</label> <label>Government</label> <label>Founded</label> <label>Founder(s)</label> <label>Constructed</label> <label>Destroyed</label> <label>Location</label> <label>Population</label> </Group> <Group> <header>Economy</header>
</Group> <Group> <header>Misc. Information</header>
<label>Affiliation</label> <label>Climate</label> <label>Landmarks</label> <label>Institutions</label> <label>Religion</label>
</Group> </infobox>
History[edit | edit source]
The Lacus Samonastrum-- many refer to it more plainly as the "Samona"-- began as a humble and aloof monastery. Surrounding towns would offer excess crops to the monastery and offer humble volunteer work in exchange for favor among the Eight on behalf of the priesthood.
However, the lake saw an unexpected spike in activity when the imperial line recognized the lake's beauty some centuries ago. Today, the lake is the biggest tourist destination within Gallanon, and the lake is revered in the words of orators.
Description[edit | edit source]
The Samona is the largest lake in Ulyssa. An island in the center of the lake features an ornate temple to the Eight's Council, surrounded by all manner of gardens and arched quartz and marble constructions in typical Gallonese fashion in architecture. The island is only accessible by boat.
The lake is surrounded by all number of retreats, manors, docks, singing houses, and places of pleasure. The largest of these manors, constructed in 3E 855, belongs to the imperial line.
Importance[edit | edit source]
Samona is a famous vacation spot for the middle class and affluent alike. The lake is filled with boats-- small fishing boats and large seaworthy vessels alike-- which bring light, song, and performance at all hours of the day and night.
The island temple is famous for its celebration of holidays which glorify the Eight. Otherwise, there is little worship by visitors. A notable population of those in the priesthood reside on the island and receive generous donations from visitors.
Since the beginning of the construction of the new courtyard, the emperors have lived in the imperial manor along the lake and have, even, regularly received petitioners and foreign officials.