<infobox layout="stacked"> <title source="name"><default>Lanburre</default></title> <image source="image" /> <Group> <header>Vital Information</header>
<label>Type</label> <label>Government</label> <label>Founded</label> <label>Founder(s)</label> <label>Constructed</label> <label>Destroyed</label> <label>Location</label> <label>Population</label> </Group> <Group> <header>Economy</header>
</Group> <Group> <header>Misc. Information</header>
<label>Affiliation</label> <label>Climate</label> <label>Landmarks</label> <label>Institutions</label> <label>Religion</label>
</Group> </infobox>
History[edit | edit source]
Geography[edit | edit source]
Lanburre is located along the Rus. The more mild climate and access to water allows for citrus trees and other crops to be grown nearby. To the north is scrubland, home to ruins and burrows.
Government[edit | edit source]
Much like other towns, Lanburre has a local forum in place in which the people make most important decisions. Leaders are expected to take the decisions into mind when implemented policy and acting. Uniquely, Lanburre is the largest town to offer greater representation based upon the number of slaves one owns.
Two major effects of this are the profusion of slaves, mainly slaves from Peramul, within the community and the notable overspending. The town has debts owned by Siecian brokers and foreign investors.
Law[edit | edit source]
Economy[edit | edit source]
Lanburre is a huge farming community located close to the Rus, some days distance from Peramul. It is also known for its production of meat. While Lanburre still trades a huge amount of agricultural goods with Alhambara, its overall production has declined since Peramul absorbed much of the land to its south. Lanburre's inns cater to those traveling up and down the Rus as well as those seeking ruins or Ulyssian Opaleye Basilisk burrows.