History[edit | edit source]
Once just another one of the small lumbering villages that are a common sight in The Arbor, Norianne first rose to prominence when Saint-King Alen Capewell chose it as the Duchy’s seat of power following his conquest of the region. The Arbor has changed hands countless of times since then, but Norianne has always remained the traditional seat of the Arbor’s ruling Duke.
Geography[edit | edit source]
Norianne is located on the western shore of the Arbor’s largest lake. The entire lake is surrounded by a dense, mixed forest perfect for sustaining a lumber industry. Due to this, the city of Norianne makes heavy use of wood as a building material, giving it a rustic look unmatched by any other city in Alenthyl.
While the large amount of wood used in the construction of buildings adds to the scenic look of the city, it is also a major fire hazard. Forest fires have plagued the Arbor since time immemorial, usually instigated either by very dry summers or small house fires in cabins belonging to hunters and foresters alike. Parts of the city have burned down in the past, only to be quickly rebuilt by the industrious populace. One such instance is the way House Morrigan, the current ruling family of the city, and by extension the Arbor, rose to prominence.
Government[edit | edit source]
Being both the seat of its county and its duchy, Norianne is technically ruled directly by the Duke. In practice, the Duke himself is rarely available to manage a city on top of his diplomatic duties. Therefore, the task of managing the city is usually bestowed upon a brother or a son, or in some instances the Duchess.
How the city is run exactly varies from lord to lord, but most of them operate a court where lesser nobility is welcome to present issues concerning the city. Because both the city and the Arbor are ruled from Norianne’s Great Hall, the imposing structure is usually bustling with activity in preparation for audiences and meetings alike.
Economy[edit | edit source]
The city of Norianne its known for its thriving lumber industry, which is one of the largest in Alenthyl. It also sports numerous fisheries exploiting the freshwater lake the city sits on, but the contribution of this industry to the city pales in comparison to the sheer amounts of gold being made from the surrounding forests.