St. Varren's Root

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Appearance[edit | edit source]

A twisted bioluminescent root that glows faintly in low light. The glow seems to pulse slightly, and fades when physically disturbed.

Notes[edit | edit source]

St. Varren's Root grows underground, and can be commonly found in many regions within Alenthyl. Commonly residing in cave entrances.

It is said that during the destruction of Alenthyl's Capital Lands in 3E 1150, a priest of the Holy Light by the name of Matthew Varren had discovered a means to accurately traverse caves, realizing that the unknown root had commonly grown near cave entrances. When word of this discovery spread, many lives were spared from the dragon threat, now able to avoid direct confrontation by using various cave systems.

When the decision was made to gather forces in an attempt to establish a subterranean refuge as a means to actively combat dragons, many men were sent to find Matthew. In the proceeding weeks, it was discovered that the young priest was killed when a small encampment located in Westershire was destroyed a stray dragon.

After the depressing news made its way to the Pontificate, Matthew Varren was canonized as St. Varren throughout all of Alenthyl, and the previously unknown root was named after the man as well.

Culinary[edit | edit source]

Ingesting the root seems to leave a slightly sweet taste on the tongue, followed by nausea and painful migraines. Cooking the root seems to have no effect, eventually causing the root to crumble.

Arcane[edit | edit source]

The root has no outstanding or unusual Arcane affinity.