William of Jessamine
<infobox layout="stacked"> <title source="name"><default>William of Jessamine</default></title> <image source="image"/> <Group> <header>Vital Statistics</header>
<label>Date of Birth</label> <label>Date of Death</label> <label>Birthplace</label> <label>Status</label> </Group> <Group collapse="closed"> <header>Physical Attributes</header>
<label>Height</label> <label>Race</label> <label>Eye Color</label> <label>Hair Color</label> </Group>
<Group collapse="closed" layout="horizontal">
</Group> <Group collapse="closed"> <header>Misc. Information</header>
<label>Gifted</label> <label>Relatives</label> </Group> </infobox>
Overview[edit | edit source]
A man from a fallen family of Alenthyl. He has long sought to regain his family's honor but has lost sight of his goal along the way. Now, he drifts, unaware of what he even came to Novania for.
Appearance[edit | edit source]
A young man with blonde hair and blue eyes. He looks unkempt with a slightly rugged look to his features.
Background[edit | edit source]
Born in the Crags of Alenthyl, William was raised in a large family estate tucked in the hills near a mine. While the family was once decently well off, that standing has shrunk and faded into something much less impressive. Because of this, William and his many sisters have had to bend their wills and knees to the will of their father, who has attempted to marry off his many children to regain the political standing they once had.
Known Associates[edit | edit source]
Friends[edit | edit source]
Dieb Guadner
Juniper Wrenne
Acquaintances[edit | edit source]
Enemies[edit | edit source]
Personality[edit | edit source]
William likes to believe himself a kind man with good intentions at the best of times, but he has been known to slip and let things escape him. The feature is not becoming, but it happens. Other than a few moments in recent history, William is notably kind to most everyone he meets.
Likes[edit | edit source]
- Politeness
- Skill
- Honesty
Dislikes[edit | edit source]
- Ungratefulness
- Assholes
- People with no sense of Respect
Other[edit | edit source]
Theme Music[edit | edit source]
Face Claim[edit | edit source]
Item Claims[edit | edit source]
OOC Notes[edit | edit source]