Tel-Dellacroix Enterprises

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<infobox layout="stacked">

 <title source="title1">
   <default>Tel-Dellacroix Enterprises</default>
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</image> <group> <header>Vital Information</header> <label>Type</label> <label>Industry</label> <label>Trade</label> <label>Headquarters</label> <label>Status</label> </group> <group> <header>History</header> <label>Location Founded</label> <label>Date Founded</label> <label>Founder(s)</label> </group> <group> <header>Misc. Information</header> <label>Area Served</label> <label>Subordinates</label> <label>Key Members</label> </group> </infobox>

History[edit | edit source]

As its name would suggest, Tel-Dellacroix Enterprises (TDE), traces its short roots to its two parent companies, Tel Trade Company  and [Dellacroix International Trade Group]. These companies were both personal companies of their respective founders, Tel'Grov and Alistair Dellacroix , and were eventually merged after an agreement between the two in 3E 1180. 

At its beginning, TDE operated as the main source of income for the county of Westmoor, and provided the county and its owners with great amounts of wealth. Because the City of Westmoor was under the management of Tel'Grov and Alistair Dellacroix at the time the company's creation, TDE would hold great influence within the county, and by extension, Novanian politics. 

Company Affairs[edit | edit source]

Governance[edit | edit source]

Currently the company is lead by two chairmen and founders of the company, Tel'Grov and Alistair Dellacroix.

Businesses and Investments[edit | edit source]

Assets[edit | edit source]

Criticism[edit | edit source]