History[edit | edit source]
Compared to the other settlements in the Arbor, Thorne does not have as large a history, only having been founded in the 7th century of the Third Era by former explorers looking to open trade with colonies and other nations. It was named after the abundant thorned blackberry bushes in the area, which proved to be a useful natural defense against bandits when the city was still a small village.
These bandit attacks eventually led to both the construction of high city walls and the formation of a militia which would later become Thorne’s city guard and later still be absorbed into the Rangers of Rollen. While the Rangers have since expanded their area of operation to cover the entire Arbor, they proudly patrol the walls and streets of Thorne to pay homage to the roots of their faction.
Geography[edit | edit source]
The city of Thorne is located in one of the many coves on the southern coast of the Arbor. Rocky arms extend into the sea from both sides of the city, marking the sides of the cove and greatly exaggerating the height of the already high city walls. The stones used to build these walls were mined from specific strati graphical layers of white limestone which can be found in multiple coves and outcrops throughout the area.
Government[edit | edit source]
Most, if not all of the city’s politics are directly related to House Fairweather, who claim to be descendants of Thorne’s original settlers and have ruled the city for generations. As such, they are well-respected by the members of their court, despite the hands-on approach they take in governing the city. Though lesser nobles and wealthy merchants do have the ability to present issues to their liege lords, and tend to exercise this right in great numbers when they feel the economical welfare of their trading companies is threatened.
Economy[edit | edit source]
A sizable port is located at the edge of the rocky arms that make up the sides of the cove, serving as the last stop for ships sailing to Granthel or Auros to this day. Because of its status as the only major port city in The Arbor and its excellent location, the city has amassed a considerable amount of trading companies over time, all looking to benefit from ferrying goods across the Aurosi Expanse. Of course, the most succesful trading companies have spawned noble houses now serving under the Earls.