<infobox layout="stacked"> <title source="name"><default>Efriescia</default></title> <image source="image" /> <Group> <header>Vital Information</header>
<label>Type</label> <label>Government</label> <label>Founded</label> <label>Founder(s)</label> <label>Constructed</label> <label>Destroyed</label> <label>Location</label> <label>Population</label> </Group> <Group> <header>Economy</header>
</Group> <Group> <header>Misc. Information</header>
<label>Affiliation</label> <label>Climate</label> <label>Landmarks</label> <label>Institutions</label> <label>Religion</label>
</Group> </infobox>
History[edit | edit source]
Efriescia was once a great and accepted rival of Alhambara in the second era. It was a major producer of wines and a wide array of crafts. While Efriescia controlled trade within the provinces and around the Cerullis, Alhambara would control trade along the Rus and have a greater international presence.
However, the rise of the Maelri and the slow deterioration of Ulyssa has contributed to Efriescian economic decay. Many of its citizens have either departed for Siecian ports or Gallanon in search of opportunity.
Today, compared to the rest of Sies, Efriescia is fifth in terms of population and seventh in terms of gold exchanged. Despite the diminished status, the city still holds the Greater Forum of Sies because families in Maelri and Alhambara-- the obvious alternatives to Efriescia-- would refuse to allow the forum to be held in the other city.
Geography[edit | edit source]
Efriescia is located more inland along the Cerullis River. Surrounding the city proper is an array of rocky terrain with patchwork patches of arable land. All arable land is home to grape orchards, and the western bank is home to a small yet sprawling forest of these orchards.
Efriescia is known for its manipulation of water. Canals and streams run through the city; some citizens row small boats down them while ferrying patrons, conducting local trade, or playing stringed music with lyrical accompaniment.
The style of the city is reminiscent of both Gallanon and Sies, featuring huge amounts of color as well as poignant detail to geometry and arched design.
Government[edit | edit source]
Efriescia follows the Gallonese model of government.
Law[edit | edit source]
Efriescia has acquiesced to the Gallonese Code system of law due to its frequent contact with the province along with the presence of Taurum legionaires. Despite the adoption of Gallonese Code, characterized by coded law and the ubiquity of judicial oration, law along class lines still exists in Sies. As an unintended consequence, these class laws are enforced even more strictly than in the coastal cities and towns in Sies, among them the much despised curfews for certain lower classes and the embarrassing displays of subservience or deference lower classes must show to those higher.
Economy[edit | edit source]
Efriescia is a major producer of wine. The city has, despite the influence of Maelri, retained its production of glass and stained glass. Other forms of small craft are also practiced, and the arable land also makes Efriescia a fair producer of grapes and tomatoes. Efriescia also sees tourism and entertainment in the form of narration due to Gallonese presence.