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<infobox layout="stacked"> <title source="Title"><default>Poskitt</default></title> <image source="Image"><alt source="Title"/></image> <label>Type</label> <label>Clergy</label> <label>Location</label> <label>Leader</label> <label>Former Members</label> <label>Center</label> <label>Date of Founding</label> <label>Founder</label> </infobox>

Overview[edit | edit source]

The primary religion of Zahvwan, the Zahvwa believe in Poskitt and the teachings of The Mother, whom they believe to be a distant traveler from a realm far greater than Aevonhold, a utopia realized. They believe that The Mother loved her creations too stongly and was cast out, into Aevonhold, giving life to all. When The Mother was done creating the the realm and after setting everything in motion, she retired into a deep slumber, never to awake.

Priesthood[edit | edit source]

A priest in the Poskitt faith is known as a shaman, generally practitioners of various elemental magics who are said to convene with The Mother as she rests in her eternal slumber. Many of these shamans are regarded as village leaders who are very wise and speak the truths of The Mother and her teachings. While shamans are quite busy with daily life as village leaders, they are expected to be the main teachers of Poskitt to the Zahvwa people.

Practices[edit | edit source]

While sleeping, Zahvwa believe that The Mother interacts with all of Aevonhold as if in a waking dream, maintaining all life and balancing the world so that it does not fall into chaos. The Zahvwa believe that by appriciating the natural world, all who walk the path that has been laid before them will inevitably lead back to The Mother.

The Zahvwa believe that all others that do not heed the teachings of The Mother are stubborn, and unintentionally introduce a disease to the world that threatens all of The Mothers creations.

History[edit | edit source]

While the existence of Poskitt outside of Zahvwan is quite rare, Poskitt has been a faith since the dawn of the Zahvwa people, a time even before the first era. When the first Aurosi peoples attempted to colonize Zahvwan, they were met with strange traditions and an overwhelming sense of closeness with nature. This interaction was far overshadowed by the discovery that the majority of men known as shamans had The Gift, a striking discovery for the people of Auros.