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Disclaimer: Any information here is to be regarded as OOC (Out-Of-Character), this timeline has been created purely for record keeping purposes. Using this information in order to gain knowledge IC (In-Character) is metagaming. Characters are not required to follow this timeline or the market calendar.

Market Calendar[edit | edit source]

The Market Calendar was first established in 3E 1165 by the first emperor of Alenthyl, Avangantamos Capewell II. This calendar unites the previously convoluted and confusing arrangement of calendars between all cultures in greater Aevonhold for trade purposes. The calendar establishes four seasons with various holidays (Deep Cold, Bright Dawn, Full Bloom, Harvest Call) and 240 days culminating into the official calendar year.

The Eras[edit | edit source]

Prehistoric Eras[edit | edit source]

  1. The Era of Birth - The beginning of all creation. Many stories of this time are told in Aevonhold. Some closer to the truth than others.

Modern Eras[edit | edit source]

  1. First Era - Era of Prosperity - The First Era lasted 784 years, this era marks the beginning of loosely recorded history.
  2. Second Era - Era of Dominion - The Second Era lasted 2458 years, most of the structure present in the later years of this era would continue on into the Third Era.
  3. Third Era - Era of Promise - The current Era in which Solstice Roleplay takes place.

Era of Birth[edit | edit source]

  • The Arcane exists as a powerful, unintelligent all-encompassing force in an age without time or space.
  • The First Astral Beings are birthed within the Astral Plane, alongside all physical planes, realms and the first mortals.
  • The Astral Beings are created in all different manner of forms, some with physical purchase on the realms themselves and others with no real attachment to anything outside the Astral Plane.
  • When the final moments of creation subside, all physical planes are cast away from each other.
  • The first Astral Beings gain consciousness.
  • As the first Astral Beings awake, they begin to reach across the realms, calling out to the first mortals.
  • As a result, many of the infinite realms are destroyed and those that are not immediately destroyed are then infused with the Arcane.
  • Many mortals begin to worship the first Astral Beings, viewing them as deities and all powerful creators.
  • Various ancient societies come and go during this era, with most if not all evidence of their existence wiped from Aevonhold as time passes.
  • The first mortals establish a connection to the Astral Plane and with it the ability to cast magic, an art learned from tomes copied from the astral constellations in the skies of the Astral Plane.
  • In an attempt to become more powerful, the first Astral Beings exploited the mortals worship, planting in them a parasitic direct connection to their power.
  • Before they can realize their mistake, the connection that has been given to the mortals virtually renders all of the first Astral Beings mortal themselves. They would now need to continue to gain power from their connection to mortals to sustain life.
  • Though the cause is unknown, Aevonhold undergoes a drastic change, as much of the Arcane power infused throughout the realm disappears. This causes mortals to lose a significant amount of Arcane power, resulting in the Arcane Gift becoming quite rare in many bloodlines.
  • The landscape of Aevonhold would change drastically over the many millennia that it survives, oceans rise and fall, the land splits and collides creating various formations as time marches on.

First Era - Era of Prosperity[edit | edit source]

1st Century[edit | edit source]

1E 1[edit | edit source]

  • Jawahir El-Hashem proclaims himself Grand-Sultan, unifying much of ancient Rune'Daath and forming the Sultanate of Rune'Daath.
  • Grand-Sultan Jawahir El-Hashem establishes the First Era - Era of Prosperity

1E 212[edit | edit source]

  • Though few and far between, historical records that mention the vibrant Sultanate and it's surroundings depict the region as a lush, verdant landscape. Though the reasons for the abrupt changes in many later records, documenting the region as a harsh desert unfit for the weak are entirely unknown, many Rune'Daathians would swear by the age old tale of the Fida'an.

Second Era - Era of Dominion[edit | edit source]

1st Century[edit | edit source]

2E 1[edit | edit source]

  • Several city-states are conquered by Ulyss Vincerus of Rhold, marking the beginning of the Ulyssian empire.
  • Emperor Ulyss Vincerus establishes the Second Era - Era of Dominion

4th Century[edit | edit source]

2E 328

  • Explorers descendant of the old Elten Kingdoms and early Ulyssian Empire discover and settle upon a large island continent far to the west of Auros. This continent would later be known as modern Alenthyl.

2E 341[edit | edit source]

  • When Emperor Darminus Vincerus, last of the Vincerus line is killed in an attack attributed to the Arcane, Ulyssian magic users are persecuted relentlessly.

2E 349[edit | edit source]

  • After almost a decade of political and social upheaval, the Venator is formed by Lanaeus Messienus and magic is officially outlawed within Ulyssa.

17th Century[edit | edit source]

2E 1694[edit | edit source]

19th Century[edit | edit source]

2E 1801[edit | edit source]

2E 1813[edit | edit source]

  • King Marius Francois II forms the Kingdom of Antonelle.

2E 1830[edit | edit source]

  • The First Border War ends with Elterlein losing much of its territory. Until the Second Border War, border skirmishes would become frequent. The two nations would never truly be at peace.

21st Century[edit | edit source]

2E 2049[edit | edit source]

  • King Johnathan Westermont forms the Kingdom of Weston.

23rd Century[edit | edit source]

2E 2235[edit | edit source]

  • Weston is conquered by a smaller Westermont family.
  • The Kingdom of Westershire is formed by King Howel Westermont I.

24th Century[edit | edit source]

2E 2377

  • Conspiring families rebel against the Elterlein Empire. Their rebellion is successful, and the Empire is dissolved into various smaller kingdoms.

25th Century[edit | edit source]

2E 2414[edit | edit source]

2E 2439[edit | edit source]

2E 2458[edit | edit source]

  • Second Era, 2458 marks the end of the second era.

Third Era - Era of Promise[edit | edit source]

1st Century[edit | edit source]

3E 1[edit | edit source]

3E 11[edit | edit source]

  • Antonelle folds to Alen’s conquest, marking the end of the armed conflict and conquest.

3E 17[edit | edit source]

3E 19[edit | edit source]

  • The Kingdom of Westershire is incorporated into Alenthyl, officially unifying the land.

2nd Century[edit | edit source]

3E 119[edit | edit source]

3rd Century[edit | edit source]

3E 281[edit | edit source]

4th Century[edit | edit source]

3E 328[edit | edit source]

  • Alenthylian explorers discover a large island continent, covered in dangerous creatures.
  • The same explorers come to call this continent Granthel.

3E 389

3E 390[edit | edit source]

5th Century[edit | edit source]

3E 402[edit | edit source]

3E 447[edit | edit source]

  • House Vol emerges from the warring clans of Volvar, uniting it and giving it a formal name.

3E 448[edit | edit source]

3E 450

3E 452[edit | edit source]

  • Granthel, formerly a colony of Alenthyl, secedes at the behest of the Arcane Society.
  • Alain Wrenne, head of the Arcane Society, proclaims himself as King of Granthel.

3E 456[edit | edit source]

  • The Nations of Peramul and Yucerta secede from Ulyssa, using the ongoing Border War to their advantage.

3E 478[edit | edit source]

  • Alain Wrenne, first King of Granthel dies of old age.
  • Asher Wrenne, son of Alain Wrenne, becomes second King of Granthel.

6th Century[edit | edit source]

3E 510[edit | edit source]

  • Second Border War - The Second Border War ends with an unclear victor, each side gaining as much territory as lost.

3E 517[edit | edit source]

  • Alenthylian explorers stumble across an undiscovered land mass, the native populace refer to this land mass as Volvar.

3E 559[edit | edit source]

  • The four great nations of Dongsu, Ikhung, Kamitari, and Shanliang join together to form the Empire of Nobugo.

7th Century[edit | edit source]

3E 654[edit | edit source]

  • A rogue Alenthylian trade ship is reacquired, in the possession of the crew are maps documenting the first officially recorded mention of Deurlyth in Alenthylian history. Among the crews possessions were many artifacts and small charms depicting Deurlen divines, these artifacts are destroyed by The Holy Templar of Alenthyl.

3E 682[edit | edit source]

  • Alenthylian explorers officially discover Deurlyth, a name given to a small island continent by its native population, the Deurlen.

8th Century[edit | edit source]

3E 715[edit | edit source]

3E 720[edit | edit source]

  • Conquest of the Dragon - House Del rises to power in Volvar using ruthless military tactics and Dragoncharms. They practically enslave all who oppose them.
  • Peramul successfully conquers Yucerta.

11th Century[edit | edit source]

3E 1031[edit | edit source]

3E 1043[edit | edit source]

  • In the midst of the many battles taking place in Deurlyth, a small settlement is formed. Various people begin to settle here including many Deurlen, Lyverian and even some Alenthylians. This settlement would later be known as Southmire.

3E 1093[edit | edit source]

3E 1095[edit | edit source]

12th Century[edit | edit source]

3E 1119[edit | edit source]

  • Althar Wrenne is born 3HC 3E 1119 in the Highborn Gardens, a district in the city of Granthelia, the capital of Granthel.

3E 1122[edit | edit source]

3E 1124[edit | edit source]

3E 1125[edit | edit source]

  • Aloth Wrenne is born 25HC 3E 1125 in the Highborn Gardens, a district in the city of Granthelia, the capital of Granthel.

3E 1134[edit | edit source]

3E 1135[edit | edit source]

3E 1140[edit | edit source]

3E 1141[edit | edit source]

3E 1142[edit | edit source]

3E 1148[edit | edit source]

3E 1150[edit | edit source]

  • Alenthyl’s Capital lands are destroyed by a Volvarian Del’s Broadwing, forcing the survivors to retreat underground. The dragon gives birth to dozens of dragons, laying waste to any of the salvageable surface.
  • Avangantamos Capewell I abdicates, leaving the Pontiff of Alenthyl to lead the people.

3E 1151[edit | edit source]

3E 1155[edit | edit source]

  • Althar Wrenne is overthrown by the people of Granthel.
  • Aloth Wrenne, brother to Althar Wrenne, becomes the 27th King of Granthel.

3E 1156[edit | edit source]

3E 1157[edit | edit source]

  • The Dark King is killed.

3E 1158[edit | edit source]

  • Mal Rebellion - Del’Drud occupies the capital of Volvar, New Novania after a rebellion against the Alenthylian throne.
  • Mal Rebellion - Adrian Capewell, King of Volvar is killed by Del'Drud during the Mal Rebellion.

3E 1160[edit | edit source]

3E 1161[edit | edit source]

3E 1162[edit | edit source]

3E 1163[edit | edit source]

  • A natural phenomenon known as Arcane Rifts begins to arise in Volvar at an alarming rate. This would later be discovered to be the fault of a Volvarian mage known as Bel'Gord.

3E 1164[edit | edit source]

  • Volvar is destroyed by the Volvarian mage known as Bel'Gord when he begins to merge a multitude of realms using Arcane Rifts, leaving behind toxic Arcane radiation.
  • Alwin Sarethi is born 53DC 3E 1164 in Arminia, a province in The Second Empire of Elterlein.

3E 1165[edit | edit source]

  • The Republic of Novania falls.
  • Alenthyl establishes the Kingdom of Novania.
  • Ausra Capewell is made first King of Novania.
  • Alenthyl is established as an empire in Aevonhold.
  • King Avangantamos Capewell II is made Emperor of Alenthyl.
  • The Market Calendar is established, marking the date when all empires and kingdoms follow the same calendar universally for trade purposes.

3E 1167[edit | edit source]

  • The main forces of the Alenthylian Church of the Light is destroyed in Deurlyth, reducing some of the corruption plaguing the empire.
  • During this conflict, many Deurlen Clans rise up under the Dimia Clan.
  • The Skirmish of Hearth is fought against the Dimia Clan, the Dimia Clan falls.
  • Rein'Unger, a Volvarian who had helped Del'Drud during the Mal Rebellion, attempts to enslave what was left of Volvar using an amplified version of a Dragon Charm.
  • Rein'Unger is killed.

3E 1173[edit | edit source]

3E 1174[edit | edit source]

  • Alenthyl begins reconstruction on the Capital Lands after much of the dragon threat is slain.

3E 1177[edit | edit source]

  • New Volvar is constructed in the smaller islands of Volvar
  • Vol'Drok is crowned King of New Volvar.

3E 1179[edit | edit source]

3E 1180[edit | edit source]

3E 1181[edit | edit source]

3E 1182[edit | edit source]

3E 1184[edit | edit source]

3E 1186[edit | edit source]

  • Alenthyl completes reconstruction of the Capital Lands, a duchy in the Empire of Alenthyl that was once destroyed by Dragons in 3E 1150.
  • New Masselburg, a city in the Kingdom of Novania is destroyed.
  • War of the Wolf King - After a coup staged by Bohemond Hauteville destabilizes the Kingdom of Novania, a ruthless Alenthylian warlord known as Roughian seizes the throne, marking the beginning of the War of the Wolf King.

3E 1187[edit | edit source]

3E 1189[edit | edit source]

  • The War of Forsaken Faiths - After backing the Kingdom of Novania and expending a large amount of resources to reclaim Deurlyth, invading Alenthylian forces within Granthel are left with little resources, allowing defending forces to counter the ongoing attack and remove the invaders from the mainland, forcing the two into an uncertain stalemate.

3E 1190[edit | edit source]

  • The War of Forsaken Faiths -  In the throes of an lengthy stalemate, the Highborn Gardens is compromised by multiple Blod'Juret and many noble lives are lost. After the Blod'Juret terrorizing the city are finally killed, the Highborn Gardens is closed off, refusing entry to all lowborn citizens.

3E 1191[edit | edit source]

  • During a seemingly harmless NIC investigation of the unexplained appearance of Void Crystals in the city of Westmoor, Deurlyth, a catastrophic event occurs in which a third of the city is vaporized instantly by a blast of arcane energy. With unknown casualties numbering in the dozens, a mandatory evacuation of the city displaces upwards of ten thousand refugees.